[Baypiggies] BayPIGgies September 28th meeting: Hamilton orchestration framework for data flows + TestScribe no/low-code testing

Karen Dalton kd at karend.net
Fri Sep 22 17:52:23 EDT 2023

*BayPIGgies September 2023... VIRTUAL meeting**next Thursday, September 

*Meeting information:
*Hamilton orchestration framework for data flows + TestScribe 
no/low-code testing**
*** NOTE: *** You must register at the Zoom URL on Meetup to attend.


* PyBay: Remember to register for PyBay! ! https://pybay.com
* Donations: Please support us at the link below via the Bay Area Python 
Association and the Python Software Association!!! 


6:30 Welcome and Announcements
6:40 Lightning Talk: TestScribe, a "low code/no code" testing tool
7:55 Main talk: Hamilton: Natively bringing software engineering best 
practices to python data transformations

**** Lightning talk *****

"TestScribe, a "low code/no code" testing tool" presented by Ray Yang

TestScribe is a "low code/no code" tool to make Python testing easier by 
automating the boring and repetitive parts. It allows you to quickly 
start an interactive testing/debugging session without having to write 
boilerplate code. As a bonus, you can save the session as a complete 
unit test for further debugging or regression testing.

Ray Yang is a Bay Area entrepreneur/creator.

**** Main talk *****

"Hamilton: Natively bringing software engineering best practices to 
python data transformations" presented by Stefan Krawczyk

At Stitch Fix, a data science team’s feature generation process was 
causing them iteration & operational frustrations in delivering 
time-series forecasts for the business. It wasn’t the scale of data that 
was the problem, it was their code. In this talk I’ll present Hamilton, 
a novel open source Python framework that solved their pain points by 
changing their working paradigm.

Specifically, Hamilton enables a simpler and more productive approach 
for data science & data engineering teams to create, maintain, execute, 
and scale both the code (human) and computational sides of feature/data 
transforms. In this talk I’ll cover the motivation & backstory, what the 
Hamilton paradigm is and how it works, and how it naturally guides you 
into doing software best practices without really thinking about it.

Stefan Krawczyk is is currently CEO and co-founder of DAGWorks.

We are looking forward to seeing you! We'll be back at Hacker Dojo in 

- Karen

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