[Baypiggies] Join us tonight online for September BayPIGgies! Data transformations + Hamilton

Karen Dalton kd at karend.net
Thu Sep 28 18:49:00 EDT 2023

Python friends!

Join us _tonight_  at 6:30pm PT as Stefan Krawczyk, the CEO of DAGWorks, 
talks about Hamilton!  His talk will be on how Hamilton "natively brings 
software engineering best practices to python data transformations".

More info on Hamilton:
* https://www.tryhamilton.dev/
* https://github.com/DAGWorks-Inc/hamilton
* blog.dagworks.io

We will also have a lightning talk on TestScribe by Ray Yang.

The meeting info:
* https://www.meetup.com/baypiggies/events/296283989/
* Select "Attend" and follow the Zoom URL displayed to get access*

Next month we we are back in person at HackerDojo! And I hope I see  you 
at PyBay!


*sweet python friends, I too wish that extra clicking to sign up wasn't 
necessary but unfortunately open links for meetings means zoom-bombing 
which is absolutely and decidedly _not at all_ delightful

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