[Baypiggies] November (was September BayPiggies Video MIA)

Rick Kwan kenobi at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 22:30:36 CEST 2006

For the sake of the large group, I think proposal 2 is the right thing to do.

But as one of those who missed the original meeting, I would not mind
attending an irregular repeat (dare I say 'make-up'?) session on Plone
if Donna can absorb the schedule and a videographer can be found to do
his/her thing.  (Hopefully, this would also allow less repeat for
people who attended the original session.)

And this time, I plan to attend Russ's presentation on air traffic
control, even though it conflicts with one I am helping to publicize
on the SR-71. :-)

--Rick Kwan
  former air traffic management software writer

On 10/24/06, Dennis Reinhardt <DennisR at dair.com> wrote:
> At 11:50 AM 10/24/2006, Ken Seehart wrote:
> >I third the motion!
> There seem to be two proposals here.  I have made my comments under each
> proposal:
>    1) repeat the Plone presentation for video
>          a) of interest mostly to those who missed original
>          b) perhaps could be given as early as this November meeting
> (speculative)
>    2) ask to redirect the presentation to focus on BayPiggies web site
>          a) of general interest, including those who saw original
>          b) warrants a meeting of its own, not squeezed in front of
> existing meeting
>          c) unlikely to happen for November (speculative)
> I suggest #2 is a stronger proposal (thanks Anna for the suggestion).  At
> this point, we have no topics scheduled for any of the meetings in
> 2007.  Let's strive for a Plone presentation focused on the BayPiggies web
> site as soon as the material is ready for 2007.
> Returning to the November meeting, we have a 1 hour presentation on a
> Python air traffic control system scheduled and confirmed.  There are 20
> minutes available for further presentation.  Anyone have a 20 minute or so
> presentation they want to propose?
> Regards, Dennis

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