[XML-SIG] Preparing for PyXML 0.6.5

Martin v. Loewis martin@loewis.home.cs.tu-berlin.de
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 21:38:31 +0100

>   BTW, do you plan to merge 4Suite and PyXML? It seems that a
>   growing number of 4Suite components are integrated into PyXML ...
>   What is the future of 4Suite?

Uche has already explained his view, so let me add mine. Personally, I
feel that PyXML "owns" the xml package, and I see my responsibility in
getting all the components in it to work together. That is what makes
integrating xml.xpath and xml.xslt interesting (although there
certainly also is the challenge of doing it in pure Python which makes
it interesting). 

For everything in Ft.*, I won't push integration into PyXML. From the
XML point of view, that means that the Domlettes may never show up in
PyXML - unless Fourthought wants to contribute them. There is other
stuff in 4Suite that clearly does not belong into PyXML, also.
