[Web-SIG] Standalone WSGI form framework.

Alan Kennedy pywebsig at alan.kennedy.name
Thu Mar 16 18:34:42 CET 2006

[Alan Kennedy]
> I'm looking for a framework-independent form library. I'm using the
> Quixote forms library at the moment, inside my own framework, but
> would ideally like something more WSGI oriented, so that it is easier
> to mock and unittest.

[Titus Brown]
> I'm confused by this -- this could mean that you want to separate the
> quixote forms lib from the Quixote 'request' object, I guess.  What
> else?

Hi Titus,

I realise that I can rewrite the Quixote form lib to achieve what I
want, but at the cost of a fairly significant effort.

As it is, I've rewritten the rendering, to work with Kid and ElementTree.

But I'm tired of hacking on it to make it do what I want: I'd much
prefer to start afresh with my own design than to continue to use
Quixote: it's just too limiting.



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