[SciPy-user] Is scipy.io.numpyio.fread working?

Jose Luis Gomez Dans josegomez at gmx.net
Wed Nov 21 11:25:43 EST 2007


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> a = scipy.io.numpyio.fread(fp, 2400*2400,'f',byteswap=1)
> This bombs with a     
> <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: fread() takes no keyword arguments

The problem might be in the docstring. If I just do 
a = scipy.io.numpyio.fread(fp, 2400*2400,'f',byteswap=1).byteswap()
it works perfectly. However, the docstring appears to be from an older version of scipy where byteswapping was indeed part of fread.

Is it a bug?
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