[SciPy-user] SciPy-user Digest, Vol 51, Issue 45

Anand Patil anand.prabhakar.patil at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 21:58:38 EST 2007

>From: "Boris von Loesch" <boris at vonloesch.de>
> Subject: Re: [SciPy-user] Sparse matrix advice
> Hi Anand,
> I use the COO-format for the creation of the matrix, because it could
> be assembled quite fast. A second advantage is, that you need to
> create the sparsity only the first time and then just create a vector
> with the non-zero entries.
> For calculations I convert it to CSR-Format, which is also quite fast.
> With this method I can create a 255^2*255^2 sparse matrix with roughly
> 8 non-zero entries per row in about 0.25 sec. Creating the matrix in
> LIL-format or DIC-format is a lot slower.
> Best regards,
> Boris

Hi Boris,

Thanks for the advice, I think I can get where I'm trying to go now. A
couple of additional questions: Is there a triangular version (DTRMM)
of csrmucsr out there somewhere? How about a CSR-CSR triangular solve?


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