[Pythonmac-SIG] Minimal Python 2.5 and Django install

Joel Bender jjb5 at cornell.edu
Wed Sep 19 19:13:21 CEST 2007

> That's not quite it -- yes, it's good to have /usr/local/bin on your 
> PATH, but for python, you need:
> PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:${PATH}"
> That will put the "current" python and various python scripts on your PATH

Ah!  Interesting.

> If you already have a .profile file, open it in an editor, and add that 
> line to it.

I didn't have one, so I tried to create it using TextWrangler.  When I
went to save it, it complained "The name ".profile" is already used by a

::makes guttural noises

Curiously there is an empty file called
'NotExistingPrefereceForOxygenResults.layout' in the directory.  Not
being one to let an empty file stand in my way, I deleted it, and the
directory, and then made .profile with your PATH="..." expression using
'$ cat > .profile'.

The new path doesn't show up anywhere that I can see, even after logging 
out and logging back in.


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