[Pythonmac-SIG] Passing Data: from AppleScript to argv(command line parameters)

Richard Gordon richard@richardgordon.net
Fri, 25 May 2001 11:04:12 -0400

At 9:07 AM +0200 5/25/01, Just van Rossum wrote:
>It's not that there's anything against advertizing per se, or anyone 
>working in
>advertizing, but if you receive a lot of email, you also receive a 
>lot of spam,
>and you train yourself (possibly unconsciously) to recognize spam. I 
>agree with Jack that your sender name "Advertizing" triggers the
>"delete-spam-reflex". So this is not against you or advertizing, but a mild
>advise to change your "Sender's name" (or whatever it's called in your email
>program) to something more descriptive, eg. your name.

Well, I sympathize with the guy to some extent, but agree that using 
a name that is associated with spam will probably trigger the human 
reflex and, more to the point, may trigger a filter that sends the 
message /dev/null before anyone even sees it. I'm thinking about AOL 
in particular and about a lot of corporate mail systems in general 
that appear to be applying some pretty draconian rule sets to inbound 

Richard Gordon
Gordon Design
Web Design/Database Development