How to install Python package from source on Windows

bartc bc at
Thu May 18 11:37:07 EDT 2017

On 18/05/2017 15:32, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 8:02 AM, bartc <bc at> wrote:
>> On 18/05/2017 12:37, Rhodri James wrote:
>>> but (a) you have no leg to stand on
>>> criticising configure scripts with that file,
>> You think so?
>> After the first 50 lines, there are no #includes, no #defines, no #ifs or
> #ifdefs, in fact I think there are no uses of macros at all. And no
> #includes for anything other than a few standard C headers.
>> Everything referenced is also within that one file.
>> Utter bliss compared with my experience yesterday trying to get some
> CPython modules compiled. #defines, #includes and #ifs left right and
> centre. Code specific to MSC or GSC sprinkled like confetti (there's even
> an #include <windows.h> in there, God knows what is for). And the actual
> include files are all over the shop.
> But you just said in your previous post that this isn't the source file.
> It's an intermediate file. Why should anybody care how pretty your
> intermediate files are?

Well, someone did! But if I was someone else trying to blindly build 
this one-file application then I would have a far easier time compared 
to building something like CPython in the same way.

> It's not like anybody is going to be editing them.
> You might as well take the CPython source, run it through the preprocessor,
> and then praise the result for not having *any* #defines or #includes.
> The source file is what matters, and you haven't shown that from what I've
> seen. Is it really just as clean as this,

Actually it's probably cleaner. I don't have the true sources for this 
project on there (dynamic language compiler and interpreter) but there 
are for the C compiler project:

Although one problem is that github can't highlight or tab them properly.

The language doesn't have C-like preprocessor or complicated macros. It 
uses a module import system. There are very simple versions of #define 
and #if, but are used sparingly, if at all
  or does it in fact have

 > compromises along the lines of "this is for the 32-bit output, and 
this is
 > for the 64-bit output"?

For both the projects I linked to, 32- or 64-bitness of the host system 
generally doesn't matter. Except in one place where calls to arbitrary 
shared library functions have to be synthesised. There, I use alternate 
modules, one for 32-bit, another for 64-bit; my IDE switches in the 
right one.

For the C sources I posted, I use a dummy version of that module, as 
these files are OS-neutral. So some programs won't work, but plenty more 
will such as entire compilers.

(OS-specific versions will just need a switch between a Windows or Linux 
version; a couple of #ifdefs. Just python.h contains 700 #ifs or #ifdefs)


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