Help is needed!

A. ElKader muhkader at
Fri Apr 1 03:34:20 EDT 2016


I am trying to do the following :

I am trying to show the changes in the command line in real time in my
Tkinter GUI, I managed to create the GUI and integrate the terminal into
it, but I cant bind the buttons with the terminal, my code is :

import Tkinterfrom Tkinter import *import subprocessimport osfrom os
import system as cmd

WINDOW_SIZE = "600x400"
top = Tkinter.Tk()
def helloCallBack():
   print "Below is the output from the shell script in terminal"'perl
/projects/tfs/users/$USER/', shell=True)def
   print "Below is the output from the shell script in terminal"'perl
/projects/tfs/users/$USER/', shell=True)def
   print "Below is the output from the shell script in terminal"'perl
/projects/tfs/users/$USER/', shell=True)

Scripts_coverage  = Tkinter.Button(top, text ="Scripts Coverage",
command = helloCallBack)Scripts_coverage.pack()
Basic_coverage_tests  = Tkinter.Button(top, text ="Basic Coverage
Tests", command = BasicCovTests)Basic_coverage_tests.pack()
Full_coverage_tests  = Tkinter.Button(top, text ="Full Coverage
Tests", command = FullCovTests)Full_coverage_tests.pack()

termf = Frame(top, height=100, width=500)

termf.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
wid = termf.winfo_id()

os.system('xterm -into %d -geometry 100x20 -sb &' % wid)
def send_entry_to_terminal(*args):
    """*args needed since callback may be called from no arg (button)
   or one arg (entry)
    cmd("%s" % (BasicCovTests))

I want win I click the button to see it printing the command in the
terminal[image: enter image description here]

How do I do that ???

Please advice

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