Is there a Windows Python SIG?

Tim Golden mail at
Fri Oct 9 04:08:52 EDT 2015

On 09/10/2015 03:41, Christopher Reimer wrote:
> On 10/7/2015 10:49 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> Awesome! Contributors are always welcome.
> On a YouTube video from PyCon 2015, I think someone mentioned the need
> for more people to look at Python on Windows. Does this mean that Python
> on Linux and/or Mac get more love than Python on Windows?

It absolutely does.

> I went looking at the bug database. A lot of the reports are way over my
> head, but some of the comments made for fascinating reading. I found one
> report of an installer error on Windows 10 Educational version. I wasn't
> aware that there was an educational version of Windows 10. My first
> thought of the bug was a bad download, which was the first comment
> someone posted in response. Being so vague in details, no one else will
> probably look at it again. This one looks doable.
> How many bugs do I have to poke and prod to put Python contributor on my
> resume?

Can I suggest a read through this article, written more than 5 years ago
(!) but still fairly relevant. The situation's changed a little -- in
particular, Steve Dower of Microsoft has taken a very active part in the
3.5 release, bringing our build & install process up to the very latest.
But we're still very short of Windows-based people.

A lot of what we're seeing right at the moment is down to the new
installer and its interaction with the different flavours of Windows out
there. Windows 10 is very new: I'm not running it on any machine and I
don't know if any Windows dev is. I don't know if we have any buildbots
running it either. But people out there *are* using it, so we're seeing
bug reports which might well be specific to that.

Please dive in and help: even if it's just lending a hand explaining or
diagnosing without ever writing code, that's helpful. If you can also
contribute *and review* patches, better still.


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