Question about uninstallation.

Ned Deily nad at
Sun Sep 28 19:17:08 EDT 2014

In article 
<CAPTjJmonHfM1Mr+2SsiY8R6nTVdUzXQsxxJrAxmi6DEQH9hA-g at>,
 Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Gregory Johannes-Kinsbourg
> <harmonoisemusic at> wrote:
> > Anyway, I’ve basically ended up installing both Python 2 & 3 (I’m on OS X 
> > 10.10 btw) and first of all was curious to know if they will clash with 
> > each when being used in terminal and how do i safely remove 3 (figure i’ll 
> > learn 2 first, then re-install 3). According to the manual I should remove 
> > the files from the application folder (fair enough) but also the framework 
> > (surely I should leave that for python 2?)
> They shouldn't clash. You'll invoke one as python2 and the other as
> python3. However, as Yosemite hasn't been released yet, you may find
> that you have problems that nobody's run into yet. To get a better
> understanding of Python, separately from any OS X issues, you may want
> to make yourself a Linux computer to test on - it's usually not hard
> to install a virtualization system and create a Linux machine inside
> your Mac (or just get an actual physical machine). There have been
> some issues with OS X and Python, in various versions; not being a Mac
> person myself, I can't say what the least problematic version is.

That's odd advice. There's no need to install Linux to run Python on OS 
X; it works perfectly fine there and is fully supported there.  Python 2 
and Python 3 co-exist just fine on OS X, actually, with Python framework 
builds as is provided by installers, even better than on 
Linux as scripts are installed to separate bin directories for Py2 and 
Py3.  And, while OS X 10.10 Yosemite is still a few weeks away from its 
expected official release data, you can be sure that the current 
releases of Python have been tested with the public beta and with 
developer previews.  The most recent release of Python 2 (2.7.8) and the 
upcoming release of Python 3.4.2 (3.4.2rc1 is now available for testing) 
should fully support Yosemite.  There are some minor issues with older 
binary versions centering around building extension modules if you need 
full universal support; most people don't.  There are somewhat more 
serious issues if you try to build older versions of Python from source.  
For more details, see  I know that 
MacPorts has backported these fixes to their older versions of Python, 
if you need them; no idea about other third-party distributors.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

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