OT: usenet reader software

Monte Milanuk memilanuk at invalid.com
Mon Jul 21 00:06:47 EDT 2014

On 2014-07-20, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Ctrl-X in Angband,

Ah-HAH!  I've been trying to remember what the name was of an old CLI
game that I used to play via a dialup ssh connection (using PuTTY) to a
Panix.com account (they ran on NetBSD).  Screen was my friend due to
dropped connections, and I eventually moved from pine/pico to
mutt/slrn/vim/bitchx (though to be honest I never warmed up to mutt all that
much) until I got a Mac (OS X) and then later started dual-booting my
PCs with Linux.  Angband was the name of the game I played back then... sweet!

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