what do you get with 1 divide by 998001, interesting results

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Thu Aug 21 01:54:15 EDT 2014

Everything You Need To Know <eyn2k at outlook.com> writes:

> You are now simply arguing a negative point for no apparent reason
> other than you want to appear correct, I have already admitted my
> mistake yet you persist with negativity and vitriol, it is quiet
> childish.

Observers will judge the difference between vitriol, compared with calm
criticism of actions. If you see criticism as “negativity and vitriol”,
you'll need to reconsider whether you want to take part in an online
discussion forum.

 \       “Working out the social politics of who you can trust and why |
  `\      is, quite literally, what a very large part of our brain has |
_o__)                                   evolved to do.” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney

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