Teaching python to non-programmers

pete.bee.emm at gmail.com pete.bee.emm at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 16:20:05 EDT 2014

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 3:40:22 PM UTC-7, Rhodri James wrote:
> It's called irony, and unfortunately Mark is reacting to an all-to-common  
> situation that GoogleGroups foists on unsuspecting posters like yourself.   

People who say "I can't be bothered to correct this" while posting a wise a$$ correction are just trolling, probably not funny in real life either. I think if you're going to wise off than be witty about it, otherwise just a terse reference to a link.

At any rate, my original point stands. You're not teaching on planet Vulcan. Better to teach things in an odd order if that helps motivates your students. It's not like people in real life carefully examine all available documentation before learning some piece of tech. Usually they shrug and say "what's the worst that could happen", dive in, and roll with the consequences.

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