Cookie gets changed when hit comes from a referrer

Denis McMahon denismfmcmahon at
Thu Oct 10 09:42:16 EDT 2013

On Thu, 10 Oct 2013 01:10:19 +0000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>> If Nikos wants to write programs that communicate using internet
>> protocols, Nikos really needs to learn where internet protocols are
>> defined, how to read and interpret those protocol definitions, and how
>> to check that the data he's sending or receiving is the data that he
>> thinks he's sending or receiving.
> You can't seriously mean that everyone who runs a website has to become
> skilled at reading and interpreting the RFCs for "internet protocols".
> Which protocols? All the way down to TCP/IP?

I'm not talking about running a website, I'm talking about writing code 
that uses specific protocols to transfer data. If Nikos is writing code 
that uses http, then he needs to understand http.

His previous questions relating to his wish to spoof ip addresses 
suggests that in his case, he needs to understand tcp/ip as well.

I'm not suggesting that every web admin needs to know these, but anyone 
who is trying to talk at the protocol level needs to understand the 
protocol, yes.

> Nikos Nikos Nikos... and what about me? If I asked you for a few
> pointers about a good place to learn about running a web site, would you
> tell me to fuck off too? I wonder what you are doing here, if you are so
> unwilling to share your hard-earned knowledge with others as you seem in
> this post. This attitude is not the Denis McMahon I'm used to.

I'm not unwilling, but this forum is not the place for tcp/ip 101, or 
http 101, or smtp 101, or dns 101, or geolocation 101, despite Nkos' 
attempts to turn it into one. This forum is a place for python coding.

> Nikos, are you reading this? This is what happens when you behave like a
> royal pain in the arse and annoy people. They stop wanting to help you.
> Be told. Learn from this. Don't repeat this mistake in the next forum.
> If you learn nothing else, learn that lesson.

Yes, this is exactly the issue. I am so pissed off with trying to help 
Nikos and being told things like "Your solution is crap because you use 
too many lines, even though it works, unlike my [Nikos's] single line 
effort which I [Nikos] think looks aesthetically wonderful and which must 
therefore be the superior solution even though it doesn't work".

I went so far as to set up mod-wsgi on my server simply to try and 
understand his cookie issues - before that I hadn't used python on my 
apache server except at the basic cgi level. I managed to get a 
functional cookie implementation up and running within a few hours, 
primarily by reading the relevant api documentation, and looking up a few 
examples on slashdot and similar.

Given that Nikos presents as being a professional coder developing client 
facing facing python code for a hosting provider, his inability to do 
something similar, indeed his inability to locate relevant sources of 
information, is frankly quite astounding, and I am in agreement with the 
many others on this forum who regularly and frequently voice the opinion 
that Nikos, specifically, has no business coding anything on a web server.

Denis McMahon, denismfmcmahon at

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