Parallel Python x.y.A and x.y.B installations on a single Windows machine

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Mon Nov 25 11:38:04 EST 2013

On 11/25/2013 8:42 AM, Jurko Gospodnetić wrote:

>    So far all tests seem to indicate that things work out fine if we
> install to some dummy target folder, copy the target folder to some
> version specific location & uninstall.

If the dummy folder had 3.3.0, you should not need to uninstall to 
install 3.3.1 on top of it. But it is easy and probably safest.

> That leaves us with a working
> Python folder sans the start menu and registry items, both of which we
> do not need for this. Everything I've played around with so far seems to
> use the correct Python data depending on the interpreter executable
> invoked, whether or not there is a regular Windows installation
> somewhere on the same machine.

Just a reminder: you can run one file or set of files with multiple 
Pythons by putting 'project.pth' containing the same 'path-to-project' 
in the Lib/site-packages of each Python directory. I do this to test one 
file with 2.7 and 3.3 (and just added 3.4) without copying the file.

Terry Jan Reedy

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