ANN: 0.94

Ethan Furman ethan at
Sat Jul 21 03:58:17 EDT 2012

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> This mailing list is about helping our fellow Python developers improve 
> their skills and solve problems. That doesn't just mean *coding* 
> problems, it also means helping them to write better documentation and 
> promote their software better.

Indeed it is, and your reminder is appreciated.  Hopefully my 
followup-post was more explanatory.

> Unless the software is so well-known that everybody knows what it is, 
> failure to mention what the software does gives the impression that: 
> 1) the software is so niche, or so ill-thought out, that the developer 
> *can't* describe it succinctly;

Nah -- just the end of a long week, needed to go get my daughter, and 
wanted it out there for those few who actually need the bug fixes (which 
I neglected to mention).

> 2) the developer has such poor communication skills that trying to get 
> support will be a nightmare;

My support is pretty good.  :)

> 3) that he just doesn't give a monkey's toss for anyone else's time

See point one.

> or all three. Ethan is a good, helpful member of this community, and
> so I'm pretty sure that neither 2) nor 3) are true, but others may get
> the wrong impression.

Thank you.  The project is kinda niche, but very useful if you happen to 
be in that niche.

> Here are a few randomly selected examples of good release announcements:

Those are good.  My announcement will be better next time.


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