allow line break at operators

Yingjie Lan lanyjie at
Thu Aug 11 06:59:06 EDT 2011

> :The trouble of dealing with long lines can be avoided by a smart

> :editor. It's called line wrap.
> Yeah, usually they just wrap it pretty arbitrarily,
> and you don't have any control, isn't it?

:umm... besides "notepad" pretty much any other serious "programmer editor" 
:program try to do its best to deal with line wrap: the minimal I found is 
:the wrapped line is "indented" at the same level of the flow, but I found 
:editors where you can specify what to do (generally something like "indent 
:the wrapped part 2 levels" or something like that)

Thanks for sharing that, which I am not quite aware of . BTW, do you think
things like eclipse, emacs and vim also has such kind of functionality? 
Best of all, would certainly like to have IDLE have it, as I am teaching 
Python and would like to get them to start with a simple environment.

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