Why Turn "Print" into "Print()"????

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at yahoo.com.ar
Mon May 26 01:37:45 EDT 2008

En Mon, 26 May 2008 02:06:02 -0300, Prisoner at War <prisoner_at_war at yahoo.com> escribió:

> Might you have any idea, BTW, whether the upcoming "Head First
> Programming" from O'Reilly, coming in August, will cover Python 3??
> Unlikely, right?  Unless maybe if that guy Vern Ceder (the author) is
> active in the Python development community??
> I'd already pre-ordered the book...but it makes no sense to get a book
> on "old" Python 2.x if it's just going to get deprecated in like a
> year or two!  Then again, current Python programs would still work,
> right?  I mean, once it's been done up as an executable...PySol or
> something should still work, right?  (Sorry, iman00b, I don't really
> know how this stuff works....)

The differences aren't so fundamental or important: it's not an entirely new language, just some ugly old things are being removed or changed in incompatible ways (at *some* time it was supposed to happen - but could not happen on the 2.x series which has to remain backwards compatible)
Also, Python 3.0 will be released simultaneously with 2.6, and there will be other 2.x releases. Python 2 won't magically disappear from Earth, I don't think Linux distros will come with Python 3.0 by default anytime soon (perhaps not before 3.1).
So learning Python with a book targeted to 2.5 isn't a waste of time - not at all.
(This subject has already been discussed several times in this group.)

Gabriel Genellina

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