Python web development that resembles PHP or classic ASP

Sebastian 'lunar' Wiesner basti.wiesner at
Mon May 26 13:32:12 EDT 2008

Hash: SHA1

[ Ivan Illarionov <ivan.illarionov at> ]

> On Mon, 26 May 2008 17:49:01 +0200, Sebastian 'lunar' Wiesner wrote:
> [...]
>> Modern frameworks like Django or Grok require a somewhat great adaption,
>> since they strongly restrict the programmer's freedom.  I doubt, that
>> you would get Django or Grok working like your asp framework.
> Actually, mordern frameworks (at least Djagno) does not "restrict the
> programmer's freedom", they only encourage clean design.

Can we agree on the fact, that Django _encourages clean design_ by
_restricting the programmers freedom to some degree_?  This comprise would
avoid an endless war about framework philosophy ;)  (and isn't so far from
the truth, btw)

> It's perfectly possible to write Django app with only one view and url
> pattern that redirects everything to different template engine like
> Cheetah or Mako and all the logic could be put inside those templates.

Absolutely,  but that's not what Django is about.  If you don't follow
Django's conventions and don't make use of Djangos facilities like its ORM
or its admin interface, Django just doesn't make sense anymore.

An application such as you outlined would depend on a big, heavy framework
to do a task, that could easily be done with plain WSGI or a WSGI wrapper
like Werkzeug.
> But, IMHO, writing PHP-style Python webapp is silly.

I completely agree here, but that's not, what the OP asked for ;)

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