Python web development that resembles PHP or classic ASP

Patrick Mullen saluk64007 at
Mon May 26 13:52:52 EDT 2008

Did no one hear me mention Spyce?

It is exactly what the OP specifically asked for.

Here's the link:

It is not under active development, but is fairly complete (it was under
active development for quite a few years).

And if you want to go the template route (use templates as if they were php,
write a simple controller that uses directory structure), I would build it
on cherrypy.  Turbogears or Django are overkill for this.  Cherrypy is a
very simple controller part of the MVC.

You would write a class something like this:

class Root:
    def default(self,path):
        if path.endswith(".temp"):
            #handle other filetypes

But I recommend spyce.  It's exactly what you are looking for.
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