Article of interest: Python pros/cons for the enterprise

Jeff Schwab jeff at
Sat Feb 23 06:40:57 EST 2008

George Sakkis wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2:15 pm, Jeff Schwab <j... at> wrote:
>> Nicola Musatti wrote:
>>> The real sad thing is that nobody is likely to convince Guido to turn
>>> CPython into C++Python ;-)
>> How difficult would that be?  Could it be done in stages?  I would be
>> willing to spend some time on that kind of project.
> Yeah right.. what we need is yet another implementation of Python. At
> least Jython/IronPython/Pypy (and Pyrex, Cython, Shedskin, etc.) had a
> better motivation than "my language is better than yours". I am sure
> your time, skills and experience would be much appreciated in more
> useful projects.

Neither C++ nor C is "my" language, nor "yours."  I love all my children 
the same. :)  That said, your point is well taken.

What I would like is not so much a new Python implementation, as a 
vehicle to help demonstrate a few things to other Python users. 
Recently, I've had a few replies in tones that imply I'm on the brink of 
entering several kill-files, mostly because I express disagreement with 
a few closely held beliefs of some other c.l.p posters.  For example, 
the following are widely held opinions with which I disagree:

(1) Python is a gotcha-free language.

(2) C++ is basically the same language as C, but more complicated.

(3) Garbage collection is at least as desirable a language feature as 
deterministic destruction.

(4) Static typing is inferior to dynamic typing.

One of the things that's supposed to be great about Python is the user 
community, and in many ways, that community is wonderful; for example, 
both new and experienced users can quickly get a variety of solutions to 
any given coding issue, just by asking for help.

In other ways, though, the Python community is just blindingly ignorant, 
arrogant, and argumentative.  I expect my use of Python to increase in 
the coming years, so I want the best possible relationship with other 
regular users, especially on Usenet.  To do that, I think it would be 
helpful to have an informed discussion.  Instead, I mostly just the same 
old justifications for baseless bigotry:

"I worked with crappy [Perl or C++] code for ten years, so when I tell 
you [Perl or C++] encourages crappy code, I know what I'm talking about."

"These beliefs are accepted by just about everybody.  You don't *really* 
think all these bright people are wrong, do you?"

"C++ is not newbie-friendly; if you need proof, just look at all these 
really low-level ways you can screw yourself."

When I see this silliness again and again, it really breaks my heart, 
because the culture of the software development industry has a strong 
effect on the quality of my own life.  I care about clean air, because I 
breath it; clean water, because I drink it; and I am starting to become 
really concerned about the clarity of mind of the Python community, 
because I hope to rely on it.

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