Zope review

Ross Patterson me at rpatterson.net
Fri Sep 21 13:44:30 EDT 2007

Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.42.desthuilliers at wtf.websiteburo.oops.com>

> Norm a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> without meaning to start a flame war between the various python web
>> tools, I was wondering if anyone had a review of the status of Zope.
>> For example, is it being used for new projects or just maintenance?
>> I really like the look of Zope 3, and the interface/schema pattern for
>> defining objects looks very useful - but if the general feeling is to
>> use a different tool since Zope 3 isn't being used in the community
>> then I would prefer to start with that as I get to grips with Python
>> again.
> Zope is kinda of a world by itself, and it's often considered as not 
> very pythonic. FWIW, it has it's own community.
> As far as I'm concerned, having working experience with Zope2, I'd say 
> that Zope3 is certainly an interesting evolution, but absolutely not the 
> kind of framework I'm after. My bet is that Pylons is the next big thing.

One of the goals behind Zope 3 has been to remedy the "world by itself"
problem in Zope 2 and thus Zope 3 is much more Pythonic and plays nicely
with others in the Python world such as Paste, WSGI, etc..

If you're interested in trying out Zope 3, check out grok
(http://grok.zope.org/).  Grok does the job of making the Zope 3
learning curve as gradual as Python such that you only need to learn
enough to do what you're trying to do at the moment.


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