[ANN] Dabo 0.8.2 Released

Ed Leafe ed at leafe.com
Fri Oct 26 11:35:08 EDT 2007

	We are pleased to announce the release of Dabo 0.8.2, the latest  
version of our desktop application framework. It is available on our  
download page: http://dabodev.com/download

	If you're not familiar with Dabo, it is the leading framework for  
building desktop applications in Python. You can get more information  
about Dabo on our website: http://dabodev.com

	Probably the biggest change is in the way we will be handling  
updates and releases. We will no longer maintain separate 'stable'  
and 'development' versions, as the 'stable' got out-of-date so  
quickly that the name became ironic. Instead, we will only have a  
single development branch.

	What's made this possible is the incorporation of Web Update into  
the framework. This will check our servers regularly for updates, and  
notify you if any are available. If you want to grab those updates,  
you simply need to click the 'OK' button, and your framework is  
updated for you. Of course, nothing is ever updated without you  
knowing about it, and you can turn the whole thing off if you so desire.

	We are also including DaboDemo and the visual tools in the download,  
instead of making you grab those separately. We plan on integrating  
Web Update-like features into these in the near future.

	As usual, there have been a bunch of minor changes and bugfixes;  
instead of including them here, you can see them at: http:// 

-- Ed Leafe
-- http://leafe.com
-- http://dabodev.com

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