My python programs need a GUI, wxPython or PyQt4?

Peter Decker pydecker at
Tue Jan 23 17:54:30 EST 2007

On 1/23/07, Daniel Jonsson <not at> wrote:
> So, I've reached the point where my building pipeline tools actually
> needs to be used by other people in my company. By this reason I
> actually need to think about the usability, and I've come to the
> conclusion that I need a GUI. So, which of the two packages should I
> learn, and which one is easier to pick up?
> Thanks in advance!

I strongly prefer the look and feel of wxPython, but I have to write
apps that run on Windows and Linux, and wxPython looks great on both.

If you do go with wxPython, I'd strongly recommend using the Dabo
framework, as they wrap the raw and somewhat ugly wxPython code
(inherited from its C++ roots) into something much more Pythonic and
consistent. Apps that took me all day in wxPython take me a couple of
hours using the dabo.ui module.


# p.d.

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