c++ for python programmers

Neil Cerutti horpner at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 13 06:40:15 EST 2007

On 2007-02-12, Thomas Nelson <thn at mail.utexas.edu> wrote:
> I realize I'm approaching this backwards from the direction
> most people go, but does anyone know of a good c/c++
> introduction for python programmers?

To become productive in C++ in a short time, especially with a
Python background, I highly recommend Koenig & Moo _Accelerated

It's not enough C++ to join a C++ team at a professional
development house (of course no book can provide that), but it's
all the best bits.

If you get through that, then proceed directly to the source,
Stroustrup _The C++ Programming language_.

Neil Cerutti
You only get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so many times. --Ike Taylor

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