Installing Python on a 64-Bit OS

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at
Tue Sep 19 14:34:07 EDT 2006

Nico Grubert schrieb:
> Is there anything special I have to care about or is installing Python
> on a 64 Bit OS just as easy as installing it on a 32-Bit OS?

Despite what everybody else said: most likely, special care is
necessary. However, nobody probably knows what precisely you need
to be aware of.

Several changes have been made to Python 2.4 and 2.5 to support
AMD64-Linux better, and not all of these changes have been
incorporated into Python 2.3, as this software is no longer

My advise is just to try building it, run the test suite, and
see whether it passes. If it fails to compile or pass the
test suite, post a message with the specific problem - hopefully,
somebody will remember how it was fixed.

As others have said: you should really try to use the python 2.4
that comes with the operating system. Can you share the reason why
you have to use Python 2.3?


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