Python / Apache / MySQL

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Feb 14 06:04:45 EST 2006

Kalle Anke wrote:
> I always thought that a SQLlite database "belonged" to a single process, can 
> a database be used by several processes?

Depending on what you mean by "belong", that's either true or false. 
Certainly multiple processes can access a SQLite database, although as 
the documentation clearly describes if those processes are making 
_frequent updates_ it's not the best solution and another database might 
be more suitable.

> Let's say I would build a small web application that would be used by a small 
> number of people/processes and it wouldn't be anything fancy just basic 
> "selects". What would be the choice for this?

SQLite.  (As but one option, but "just basic selects" is certainly 
included in the set of suitable conditions for SQLite use.)

> What about speed? I've always had the impression that while PostgreSQL is 
> more complete than MySQL it's also slower.

Don't optimize prematurely?  If you use something like SQLObject, or any 
other means of abstracting yourself away from the details of a specific 
datbase, you won't be particularly tied to it if you decide you need 
improved performance, or sophistication, or whatever.

> Sorry, if these are really stupid questions but ...

They're not.

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