possible php convert

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Dec 11 16:41:03 EST 2006

At Sunday 10/12/2006 09:36, Dotan Cohen wrote:

>Hi all, I've been contemplating the switch to python from php. I'm no
>wiz, but I can get my way around with help form the online docs. I see
>that python has much less documentation available, so expect to hear
>from me a bit in the next few weeks. :)

Uhm, have you looked at http://www.python.org/doc/ ?

>One concern that I have is that my current host does not support
>python, and for a very technical reason (money) I'd rather not switch.
>I've googled the possibility of installing python in my user's home
>directory (RHEL server), and this seems possible. Can anyone enlighten
>me as to how I could do this? Thanks in advance.

I guess you want to use Python to provide dynamic content for a web site.
There are several alternatives: Apache with mod_python, or Django, 
TurboGears, CherryPy. There was a recent discussion on this list some 
days ago about these frameworks.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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