How ahead are you guys in the (Python) real world?

Jorge Vargas jorge.vargas at
Mon Aug 28 23:26:37 EDT 2006

On 28 Aug 2006 20:13:54 -0700, Ray <ray_usenet at> wrote:
> Since I haven't used Python at work, I am using Python 2.5 right now.
> However I wonder, how fast are you guys moving from version to version
> at work? As an illustration my ex-company just moved to Java 5, which
> was released around... what, 2-3 years ago? (While I am running Java 6
> at home)
> Is it the same in the Python world? What version of Python is used in,
> say, Google? Is it even 2.4 yet?

for ones 2.5 is not consider production code yet so noone should be
running anything on it. same with 1.6.

on the java side my company is still stuck at 1.4, some prod servers
ar 1.3 :) , and my branch moved to 1.5 like 2 months ago. but again I
wont  use anything that is in release candidates for production. but
thats just me
> --

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