Python Module for Determining CPU Freq. and Memory?

Ron Adam rrr at
Thu Apr 6 03:40:16 EDT 2006

efrat wrote:
>   Hello,
>   I'd like to determine at runtime the computer's CPU frequency and memory.
> Is there a module for these types of queries? platform.platform returns 
> the computer's CPU name and type, but not its frequency; nor does it 
> report how much memory the computer has. In the python help(), I 
> searched for moudles cpu, but non were found.
> (Please note: I'm interested in hardware stuff, like how much memory the 
> machine has; not how much free memory is available.)
>   Many Thanks,
>   Efrat

For looking at memory on windows you might be able to make improvements 
to this class I wrote.  I was going to add memget() methods for getting 
individual items,  but it wasn't as useful as I was hoping it would be 
in checking my python memory use.  For that I need info on individual 
tasks, but this might be better for your use.


from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD

SIZE_T = c_ulong

class MemStat(Structure):
     _fields_ = [ ("dwLength", DWORD),
         ("dwMemoryLength", DWORD),
         ("dwTotalPhys", SIZE_T),
         ("dwAvailPhys", SIZE_T),
         ("dwTotalPageFile", SIZE_T),
         ("dwAvailPageFile", SIZE_T),
         ("dwTotalVirtual", SIZE_T),
         ("dwAvailVirtualPhys", SIZE_T) ]
     def update(self):
     def show(self):
         result = []
         for field_name, field_type in self._fields_:
             result.append("%s, %s\n" \
                   % (field_name, getattr(self, field_name)))
         return ''.join(result)
memstat = MemStat()

if __name__ == '__main__':

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