How to get started in GUI Programming?

gsteff greg.steffensen at
Fri Nov 25 18:25:58 EST 2005

I learned pygtk via the tutorial and reference manual, and found most
things to be pleasantly simple to do.  A message dialog, for example,
can be done via

dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL,
message_format="Test message here.")
response  =

All that can be found by looking up the MessageDialog class in the
reference manual,  noticing that there's not much there, and looking
and the documentation for its parent "Dialog" class.  That may be one
source of confusion you may have experiened while reading the reference

In general, I've found pygtk to be remarkably pythonic (for an
interface to a library that has been ported to many other languages as
well).  For example, when using tree views, you can access the tree
model underlying it using the normal python list syntax, which I think
is very cool.  If you have other examples of things that are confusing,
post them (here, or to the pygtk list).  


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