Strip white spaces from source

Richie Hindle richie at
Mon May 9 06:47:24 EDT 2005

> I need to limit as much as possible the lenght of a source line,
> stripping white spaces (except indentation).
> For example:
> .   .   max_move and AC_RowStack.acceptsCards ( self, from_stack, cards
> )
> must be reduced to:
> .   .   max_move and AC_RowStack.acceptsCards(self,from_stack,cards)

Here's a script that does some of what you want (stripping whitespace within
the three types of brackets).  It was written to make code more compliant with
the Python style guide.

------------------------------- -------------------------------

"""Strips spaces from inside brackets in Python source code, turning
( this ) into (this) and [ 1, ( 2, 3 ) ] into [1, (2, 3)].  This makes
the code more compliant with the Python style guide.  Usage: filename

Output goes to stdout.

This file is deliberately written with lots of spaces within brackets,
so you can use it as test input.

import sys, re, token, tokenize

OPEN = [ '(', '[', '{' ]
CLOSE = [ ')', ']', '}' ]

class UnSpace:
    """Holds the state of the process; onToken is a tokenize.tokenize
    def __init__( self ):
        self.line = None     # The text of the current line.
        self.number = -1     # The line number of the current line.
        self.deleted = 0     # How many spaces have been deleted from 'line'.

        self.last_srow = 0
        self.last_scol = 0
        self.last_erow = 0
        self.last_ecol = 0
        self.last_line = ''

    def onToken( self, type, tok, ( srow, scol ), ( erow, ecol ), line ):
        """tokenize.tokenize callback."""
        # Print trailing backslashes plus the indent for new lines.
        if self.last_erow != srow:
            match = r'(\s+\\\n)$', self.last_line )
            if match:
                sys.stdout.write( 1 ) )
            sys.stdout.write( line[ :scol ] )

        # Print intertoken whitespace except the stuff to strip.
        if self.last_srow == srow and \
           not ( self.last_type == token.OP and self.last_tok in OPEN ) and \
           not ( type == token.OP and tok in CLOSE ):
            sys.stdout.write( line[ self.last_ecol:scol ] )

        # Print the token itself.
        sys.stdout.write( tok )

        # Remember the properties of this token.
        self.last_srow, self.last_scol = ( srow, scol )
        self.last_erow, self.last_ecol = ( erow, ecol )
        self.last_type, self.last_tok = type, tok
        self.last_line = line

    def flush( self ):
        if self.line is not None:
            sys.stdout.write( self.line )

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len( sys.argv ) != 2:
        print __doc__
        file = open( sys.argv[ 1 ], 'rt' )
        unSpace = UnSpace()
        tokenize.tokenize( file.readline, unSpace.onToken )

Richie Hindle
richie at

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