wxPython OGL future

PD albaalu at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 00:09:10 EST 2005

Hi D H,

Thank you for the suggestions. I would be interested in Jython but I
had some rough runs with it and I think I would kind of want to stick
to wxWidgets since I think the GUI is kind of cleaner. Im trying to
avoid reinventing the wheel so pyxel is a too little of a framework for

I looked at piccollo though, and that is very appealing to me. What has
your experience been with Jython? I personally had a bad run in with
jython when I tried to run some example code with Swing and got all
sorts of weird behaviour (this was in their demos by the way...) Have
you ever seen some serious projects written with jython that I could
look at maybe?

I greatly appreciate your help, Thank you

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