Strange "feature" involving double slashes in Win98

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed Sep 15 08:22:32 EDT 2004

Carlos Ribeiro wrote:

> Oops. For some reason I misread your message. I'm using Win98 SE, and
> have no plans to upgrade (at least while I'm limited to my current PC
> setup).
> Regarding this bug: if it's clear that this is Windows bug, does it
> make sense to fix it in the libraries themselves? 

Not sure, but one could argue that if the OS routine to do this is
buggy, the code that was put in to take advantage of it should be
removed and a different approach taken.  Or if it's important
enough, a special case could be inserted.  I suspect your opinion
is valid on this: too few places have paths that look like c://work
to bother fixing this.


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