New to Python: Features

Peter L Hansen peter at
Tue Oct 5 07:34:41 EDT 2004

Richard Blackwood wrote:
>> As a consideration to others you can do something like I
>> did above, to indicate that many lines were deleted, or
>> use some other way to trim the amount of quoted text.
>>                 Andrew
>>                 dalke at
> I expect you mean like the above snip work of mine.  I am not new to 
> usenet but I had the perhaps lazy occurance of forgetting to snip the 
> other post.  Thanks for the tip anyhow.

I want to make two observations:

1. Andrew is being *astoundingly* polite and gentle with you,
even considering the usual polite climate in c.l.p.  Consider
yourself very fortunate. ;-)

2. You (Richard) are being remarkably mild-mannered in accepting
the criticisms (which are wholly justified, mind you ;-) being
levelled against you, at least compared to the last ten people that
unwittingly did something similar.  If nothing else, you stand a
good chance of getting past this initial difficulty and
participating in the community instead of being ridden out of
town on a rail. :-)

(By the way, if you really are new to Usenet, please, please
go and read that "smart questions" essay, even if the suggestion
to do so sounds rude.  The context it will give you about the
Usenet community (to which the python-list is mirrored and vice
versa) will be very helpful to you, as will the advice it gives.

Anyway, welcome to c.l.p. :-)


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