webserverless Python Wiki Engines: do they exists?

David M. Cooke cookedm+news at physics.mcmaster.ca
Thu Oct 7 23:24:24 EDT 2004

Brian van den Broek <bvande at po-box.mcgill.ca> writes:

> Frustrated, I turned back to <http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngines>,
> following several others described as "standalone". Similar situation:
> for instance PikiPiki's install instruction file says:
>  > Make sure you have a web server that will let you run CGIs
> Each one I tried said (things I interpreted as meaning), that I needed
> Apache, IIS, or some other form of webserver.

If the problem is you don't want to setup and configure a webserver,
there is a simple solution. Assuming the CGI script is in a directory
cgi-bin below the current directory (for PikiPiki, something like
cgi-bin/piki.cgi), then running python's CGIHTTPServer.py module as a
script will give you a webserver to run CGI scripts:

[~/public_html]$ python /usr/lib/python2.3/CGIHTTPServer.py 8080

(where the path there depends on your installation, of course). Then
http://localhost:8080/cgi-bin/piki.cgi will run the piki.cgi script.

Note that it will also serve all files below your current directory to
the world if you're on the internet, so it's not the most secure

|David M. Cooke

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