automatic static types (metaclass), attribute-order extraction = python instead of XML-likes - and some RequestsForEnhancements

svilen sdobrev at
Thu Mar 18 15:50:38 EST 2004

hello again.

i'm now into using python instead of another language(s) for 
describing structures of data, including names, structure, 
type-checks, conversions, value-validations, metadata etc. And i have 
things to offer, and to request.
And a lot of ideas, but who needs them....

here's an example (from
[this is still in progress. it would be used for direct generating of 
(ordered) byte structures as well. And user interface forms...]

> from statictype2 import StaticTyper, StaticType
> class Record( StaticTyper) :
>     def _validator_ID( v):
>         if v<=0: raise ValueError, 'value must be positive int, not %r' % v
>         return v
>     def _validator_Date( v):
>         if isinstance( v, tuple) and len(v)==2:
>             v = '.'.join([ str(x) for x in v] )
>         elif not isinstance( v, str):
>             raise TypeError, 'expect str or tuple( str,str), not %r of type %s' % (v,type(v))
>         return v
>     ID   = StaticType( int, auto_convert=True, validator=_validator_ID )
>     Date = StaticType( None, validator= _validator_Date)
>     Count= StaticType( int)
>     Key  = StaticType( str, default_value= 'empty/key/used')
> class Input_Record( Record):
>     Checksum    = Tchecksum
> class Output_Head( StaticTyper):
>     timestamp = StaticType( str, default_value= 'none')
> class Output_Record( Output_Head, Record):
>     pass

> ....

> r = Input_Record()
> r.ID = '357'
> r.Date = (10,'03')
> r.Count = 2

 > ....

here's output of `python2.3`:
<module '__main__' from ''>:
     - order:
       ['Tchecksum', 'r', 'a', 'v']
     <class '__main__.Record'>:
        - order:
          ['ID', 'Date', 'Count', 'Key']
        - flattened order:
          ID     = <property object at 0x401795a4>
          Date   = <property object at 0x4017993c>
          Count  = <property object at 0x40179554>
          Key    = <property object at 0x401799b4>
     <class '__main__.Input_Record'>:
        - order:
        - flattened order:
          ID     = <property object at 0x401795a4>
          Date   = <property object at 0x4017993c>
          Count  = <property object at 0x40179554>
          Key    = <property object at 0x401799b4>
          Checksum       = <property object at 0x40179694>
     <class '__main__.Output_Head'>:
        - order:
        - flattened order:
          timestamp      = <property object at 0x40179be4>
     <class '__main__.Output_Record'>:
        - order:
        - flattened order:
          timestamp      = <property object at 0x40179be4>
          ID     = <property object at 0x401795a4>
          Date   = <property object at 0x4017993c>
          Count  = <property object at 0x40179554>
          Key    = <property object at 0x401799b4>

['ID', 'Date', 'Count', 'Key', 'Checksum']
<__main__.Input_Record object at 0x40433bec>
ID      357
Date    10.03
Count   2
Key     empty/key/used
Checksum        52bf113125e445e072387820ccd0a983


static_type1 is if using const BaseTypes as templates for actual classes.
static_type2 is more powerful as stuff goes direct in the actual class.
you can run each (execpt the statictype_base), they have more tests 
and examples in them.

each set/get for these fields in the instances are captured as 

StaticType's supports exact type checks and automatic conversion, 
default_value lazy setting, and a validator than can add value checks 
and/or replace type/auto_conv if needed. Probably more can be added, 
when needed (e.g. things about representation / formatting, naming, UI 

there's also a method .test_validator() to test your validators 
_before_ using them as that can be nasty.

you don't need anything around unless u need the 
order of the fields to follow the order they are written in the python 
file (Which is the best place IMO. WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You 

my previous post about extracting the order of assignments in 
module/class namespaces didn't get much response, well, i wrote the 
damned thing.

This hack (parsing the source again to get the 
order) would not be needed IF any of the following was available:
  - order of variable assignments in class namespace was given to the 
__metaclass__, as separate argument or if the dict argument is not 
dict-mapping but iterable of (key,value) tuples, it is so easy to turn 
it into dictionary - just dict(iterable)
  - at very low-level, internal frame object's f_locals() could return 
iterable of key,value tuples instead of plain dict.

The order is there in the execution frame, it just not reachable from 

thes can go well as examples:
the static_types could go with Demo/newmetaclass/
the assignement_order could go with Demo/parser/


now, about the requests. i want to see python more symmetrical and 
consistent. this way it could be advertised/marketed easier to places 
with serious portability AND maintainability thinking, over other 
pure-procedural languages. Is anyone is interested in that?

- i want the documentation to be fully interlinked (in current 
hierarchy) and to have another alternative hierarchy - from 
usage-point of view - if i say list, ALL about lists should be there, 
and not separated in 3+ different places, so either a lot bookmarks 
are to be kept, or 10+ clicks to get the next piece of info. Same goes 
for most data/execution things. it can be done as simple 
links-only-layer - i dont mind. Probably data-model and execution 
model are best to follow as template.

  - order of variable assignments in class namespace to be 
offered/passed to the metaclass, as separate argument or the (now 
dict) namespace argument to be properly ordered iterable (moving the 
dict creation from C into python metaclass - well, if any. 
type(name,bases,dictiterable) can still do it in C). Order can be 
safely ignored if not needed.

- i want somehow to turn the { MY order of dict values here } syntax 
into as-is-ordered thing! Could be even with some pragma switch that 
would create my dictOrder (or some builtin one) instead of internal 
hashed mapping! This is equivalent to above, but for plain value dicts 
(and not the attribute namespaces, represented as dicts). Function 
keyword args can be another thing to keep order of - if required. (a 
sort of execution-namespace control pragma)

- the notion of iterators/ generators, and notion of interfaces are so 
powerful but so poorly advertised - and used. Now there is itertools - 
PERFECT! but i have to import it while waster things like map() are 
still sitting at plain view - hence - from lamer's point of view - 
easier to use.

- what about try: finally: over generators? PEP288. gee, 50 lines of 
iterator class instead of 5 with yield just becasue i _have_ to close 
a file...

- all builtin functions that do not add value to the language as 
language should move into separate module (e.g. map, zip, sum etc... 
vs callable, isinstance, builtin type-constructors) and not be so 

- all interfaces (not types!) - e.g. containers (__get/set/delitem) - 
should be named 'interfaces' - now this is vaguely called 'customization'.

- how do i check if x is iterable?

- (i see this goes in python2.4, PEP289) The perfect idea of in-place 
generators - which is now used for filling lists and maybe dicts in 
future, should be allowed everywhere where iterables can be. e.g. i want
	my_method_with_iterator( (k, 2*k, keys[k]) for k in [a,b,c] )
to work without need of intermediate list/dict/whatever.

- IMO most funcs now needing a list or dict should be happy with 
proper iterable. ( Eventualy funcs needing only iterable over single 
values may have *args instead, and for key-balue tuples **kargs 
instead. but this isnt that important.)

- i would like to be able to control somehow what constructors are 
available for example to eval() - so i can patch them (operator *) - 
so things like
  eval( '[ 1,2,3 ] * 500000000')
  eval( ' "abcdef" * 500000000')
could not bomb the machine, and give syntax error or else.
which means safer if not safe expressions. (again a sort of 
execution-namespace control)

- i want the list head/tail notation:
   a, b, *c = somelisthere
   apart of all else, it helps future maintenance and readability of 
the program, and this IS important if python is to be used for serios 
things in serios places. ah, i might like simmetrical thing for dicts 
but you will not like it:
   'a':var1, 'b':var2, **rest = dictionaryhere

- uh there were more, but i keep forgetting...

if i can help to do something of these or others, or you want ideas of 
how/when/why something can be implemented for the python, call ... 
there's plenty of experience in a lot of languages and languages in 
general, as well human-machine related things, even psychology. And i 
DO want to support and make better the good thing what python is.

just in case this newserver of mine dies (and it does often), do CC to 
me mail.

[btw, anyone interested in very thin framework for UI-via-html-forms?
all is in python, even the form description, html etc.
it's 75%-done, with most things showable.


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