Qt/PyQt license confusion

simo simoninusa2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 4 12:54:14 EST 2004

OK, so I'm at the stage where I want to make a choice between wxPython
and PyQt.

Currently I'm using wxPython mainly due to the fact that it has GPL
Linux and Windows versions.

I prefer Qt to wxWindows, but am confused with all the Windows
licensing issues.

For the moment this is just for my own tinkering and utility apps, but
I wouldn't mind being able to distribute them too - freeware/GPL or
whatever, not commercially.

It seems there are numerous sources of a Windows license:

C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 book (includes Qt 3.2 "book license",

TheKompany's BlackAdder (comes with PyQt and Qt limited to Python
license - not C++, "personal use", 80usd)

PyQt license from Riverbank (250usd only supports Qt commercial, not
non-commercial or even evaluation!)

Qt Windows commercial license from Trolltech (1550usd or 2500usd for

So it's looking like BlackAdder is the best choice, although I'm still
not sure if that includes a PyQt license as BA is commercial, so is it
stupid enough to not include a commercial PyQt license?! And if it's
limited to "personal use" whatever that is, then surely it's not a
commercial license of either tool?

I don't know what kinda of license comes with the book - if it's not
commercial then PyQt won't support it anyway - maybe it's a kind of
education license?

I'm not paying 1550+250usd just to write Windows apps for myself, and
even if I bought a 250usd PyQt license, I'd still not be able to
evaluate Qt before paying the 1550usd!

So how does everyone else do it - you can't just be writing Linux apps
using PyQt - what's the point of a cross-platform GUI toolkit that you
can only afford to use on one platform?!

Also, can I even use py2exe or McMillan Installer to distribute
commercial versions of anything, as they are GPL tool IIRC...?

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