Qt/PyQt license confusion

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at nospam.uci.edu
Wed Feb 4 16:08:44 EST 2004

simo wrote:

> OK, so I'm at the stage where I want to make a choice between wxPython
> and PyQt.

I use wxPython.  I couldn't get PyQt to even work, much less to develop 
with it.  Other people have said the same thing about wxPython, so 
perhaps it is a 'depends on the user' thing.

> Also, can I even use py2exe or McMillan Installer to distribute
> commercial versions of anything, as they are GPL tool IIRC...?

I am not a lawyer, but here is what I believe to be the case:

If you modify a piece of GPL'd software and distribute it, you must 
distribute the source of the modified GPL'd software.

If you /use/ a piece of GPL'd software to create 'something else', and 
the 'something else' gets distributed, you have used the GPL'd software 
as a tool - and are /not required/ to license your 'something else' with 
the GPL.

Corrections always appreciated,
  - Josiah

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