Speed Comparison Perl Python & C

Ville Vainio ville at spammers.com
Sun Feb 29 12:56:18 EST 2004

>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Nessux <bart_nessux at hotmail.com> writes:

    Bart> fair test. I thought C would do this much faster than it
    Bart> did. Any ideas?

Your program prints stuff at every iteration, so it mostly measures I/O
performance. Drop out the print, or print every 1000th item, and you
will start seeing a significant differences...

This is also a textbook example of a case where using C doesn't make
much sense performace-wise. Many seem to believe that using C/C++ also
magically speeds up I/O, and choose it over alternatives because their
network server "needs to be fast".

Ville Vainio   http://tinyurl.com/2prnb

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