Brent Ashley's JavaScript remote scripting (JSRS)

Bob Ippolito bob at
Sun Feb 29 13:08:28 EST 2004

On 2004-02-29 12:50:27 -0500, piedmontbiz at (PiedmontBiz) said:

> I am looking for ways to do interactive web pages with python as a backend.
> I ran across serveral articles on Brent Ashley's JavaScript remote scripting
> (JSRS) locateded at
> This package allows a client web browser to transfer data to and from the
> server without loading reloading pages.... as I understand it. The resulting
> "application" would be have like a desktop application.
> I downloaded and am now studying the code.
> There are no demos with a web page calling a python script but I am going to
> whip something up soon.
> Anyone with any experience with this? Does it really work? Any caveats?

There is something like this in Twisted called LivePage.. and a newer 
version in Nevow called Evil something or another :)  I don't believe 
either has the kind of compatibility matrix that JSRS does, though.

The biggest caveat really is that it's now a javascript application, 
not a web page, and not all browsers are created equally.


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