Speed Comparison Perl Python & C

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sun Feb 29 12:54:52 EST 2004

On 2004-02-29 12:44:51 -0500, Bart Nessux <bart_nessux at hotmail.com> said:

> Just fooling around this weekend. Wrote and timed programs in C, Perl and
> Python. Each Program counts to 1,000,000 and prints each number to the
> console as it counts. I was a bit surprised. I'm not an expert C or Perl
> programming expery, I'm most familiar with Python, but can use the others
> as well.
> What do you guys think of this? I don't know enough about Perl & C, and
> perhaps Python, to know if this was indeed a fair test. I thought C would
> do this much faster than it did. Any ideas?

What exactly are you trying to benchmark here?  How fast your console 
is?  Which language buffers stdout the best?


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