[Python-Help] (fwd)

Joe Raul raul_email at sina.com
Sun Dec 5 02:43:10 EST 2004

"Alfred Canoy" <alred at guam.net> ????
news:mailman.7166.1102223280.5135.python-list at python.org...
> Hello,
>  I'm just new to programming and would like to ask for help..
> Build a module that contains three functions that do the following:
>       a.. Compute the average of a list of numbers
>       b.. Finds the statistical median value of a list of numbers
>       c.. Finds the mode of a list of numbers
> Can you please give me clue how I should start solving the following
> below? Here's the source code that I did so far:
> # compute the average of a list of numbers:
> # Keeps asking for numbers until 0 is entered
> # Prints the average value
> count = 0
> sum = 0
> number = 1
> print 'Enter 0 to exit the loop'
> while number != 0:
>     number = input ('Enter a number: ')
>     count = count + 1
>     sum = sum + number
> count = count -1
> print ' The average is:', sum/count
> Greatly appreciates it!
> Al
>  _ _
> _ _
> Alfred Canoy
> Agana, Guam
> Pacific time
> alred at guam.net
it is a eligible and right program for python syntax, and what`s your

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