Call for Grant Proposals

Tim Peters tim.peters at
Mon Aug 2 20:10:53 EDT 2004

[Maurice Ling, wants to know whether PSF grants require funded work to be
 open-sourced, etc]

While I'm a PSF Director, I'm not on the Grants Committee and don't
speak for them.

I'll just note that since the PSF is a public charity (under US tax
law), there are a lot of rules the PSF has to comply with when
distributing its funds.  I expect that answering your questions will
require paying a lawyer to spell out what's possible.  I don't know
what they'll say.  In general, the PSF is required to act in the
public interest.

That said, the PSF doesn't have a ton of money, and there will almost
certainly be more worthy requests for funding than there are funds to
pass out.  Proposals will therefore compete.  If I were on the Grants
Committee, whether a proposal would benefit the public at large would
be a major consideration for me.  IOW, I think it's predictable-- and
appropriate --that proposals to fund open-source work will "score
points" for that reason alone.

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