decorators vs GIL

John J. Lee jjl at
Thu Aug 12 16:39:48 EDT 2004

sjdevnull at (G. S. Hayes) writes:
> No.  I'm using alternative multiprocessing/event-driven programming
> methods that are much less error prone (ie easier to program and
> maintain) and easier to get good performance out of than using
> threads.  The core difference between threads and processes is that
> threads share all their memory while processes have protected memory. 
> That difference _should_ be the deciding factor in whether you use
> processes or threads in an application, although as I've said
> throughout this thread two major platforms (Windows{see * below} and
> Java) don't give you the tools to make that possible; thankfully,
> Python does on OSes where it's possible.

...although Java 1.4 does provide a select()-workalike -- see Alan
Kennedy's recent post on implementing socket, select and asyncore for


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