Stackless Website down, Project gone, I'm dead.

Christian Tismer tismer at
Thu Apr 1 21:30:08 EST 2004

Dear Former Stackless Users,

I have to use this list to announce something really bad to you,
since all the Stackless lists are defunct:

The Stackless project is finally dead, now and forever.

If this doesn't affect you, please don't worry and just
ignore it. I don't take any responsibilities for any
harm brought to you, your family or your descendants
because of this message, because I'm finally gone.

Here is the really sad story, for all who care.

I can't tell how sorry I am, since I really wanted it to
survive until its sucessor, namely PyPy, is mature. But
reality is cruel, and truth is no longer something that
I can change with my small brains. I'm too old and
burned out, now.

On Mach 31st, some bad intruder has broken into our CVS
server. (S)he has replaced all of our files by some
dummy entries. This was quite bad, since the new Stackless
developer group was happily hacking on after the sprint,
March 10-14, and we were updating CVS on a very frequent basis.

As a result, all sources of Stackless Python are totally lost, now.

Since I always was a very emotion driven guy, I thought this
was the right situation to say good-bye to you all. My life
is ending, soon, and so is my project. We could try to find some
backups, but I do say NO!, Please, do appropriate cleanup!

Some more reasoning: The fact that this happened to me, as a more
than old IT specialist, tells its own story about my deficiencies.
Having grown beyond the age of 50, I don't deserve to lead a young
and eager group of developers, anymore. Instead, I should provide
them all with the survival pack to start their own endeavor. This
is what I was trying, under the hood, till today.

I hereby ask everybody who still happens to have an old, maybe
valid copy of the repository, to update it soon. It will be
vaporized in seconds, as well, and this is the path to go.
I don't want any Stackless repository to survive bejond myself!

The evil truth of real life has told me where my path is headed
to. Please make no attempt to revive Stackless. It is completely
dead, and I'm going to take it with me into my cold, lonely grave.

I have spent the rest of my time on it, and now I want to rest
on it, since my time is over. So please avoid to mention it
any longer, not in news, not in interviews, and *please*
absolutely don't use it!!!
Stackless is gone, Tismer is gone, and this is good, since I
already have told you all the lies that I could tell you in a

Rest In Peace forever with   -- Stackfull Python --

p.s.: I've taken the capsule, short time ago.
p.p.s.: This message was sent to you on April 2, to make
sure that it is not misinterpreted as a bad April 1 joke.
The bad joke was about that bad intruder. See you soon,
in heaven or somehwere else :-)

AAAAAAAHRGGGGG +:+    hi grandma::::    you're here???
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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