
Jakub Fast kfast at
Wed Apr 14 16:39:14 EDT 2004

> Well, if it's not due to the licensing [...]

The fact that it has been used in commercial projects doesn't imply it 
really is _commercial-friendly_ -- lgpl does impose obligations that, 
albeit minor, still are a hassle and require some thought if you're 
going to use it in your closed-source project. moreover, including it in 
the python distribution would impose the burden of keeping track of 
different licenses in your standard modules, which definitely is 
something you wouldn't want to have ("ok, i used module this and module 
that, so i'm fine to do this with my program, ... but wait module x uses 
module y that uses module z which requires me to obey license a... doh).

well, at least _i_ hate sifting through a library for a single module 
that i use that happens to have a more restrictive license...


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